Derivative Matching Example

In this example, we aim to reproduce a number of results from the original derivative matching paper by Singh and Hespanha [1]. We consider the bimolecular reaction system given by:

\[\begin{align*} X_1 &\stackrel{c_1}{\rightarrow} 2X_1 + X_2, \\ X_1 + X_2&\stackrel{c_2}{\rightarrow} X_2. \end{align*}\]

The reaction network and its parameters can be defined as follows:

using Catalyst

rn = @reaction_network begin
    @parameters c₁ c₂
    (c₁), x₁ → 2x₁+x₂
    (c₂), x₁+x₂ → x₂

# parameter values
p = [1.0, 1.0]
# initial conditions
u0 = [20, 10]
# time interval to solve on
tspan = (0., 0.5)

We are interested in extracting the time-evolution of a specific third order cumulant, $κ_{03}$, using second and third order moment expansions with derivative matching, and comparing the obtained estimates to the SSA prediction.

Let's start with a second order moment expansion and print out the third-order moment closure functions obtained with derivative matching:

using MomentClosure, Latexify

eqs2 = generate_raw_moment_eqs(rn, 2)
dm2_eqs = moment_closure(eqs2, "derivative matching")
latexify(dm2_eqs, :closure, print_all=true)

\[\begin{align*} \mu{_{30}} =& \mu{_{10}}^{-3} \mu{_{20}}^{3} \\ \mu{_{21}} =& \mu{_{20}} \mu{_{01}}^{-1} \mu{_{10}}^{-2} \mu{_{11}}^{2} \\ \mu{_{12}} =& \mu{_{02}} \mu{_{01}}^{-2} \mu{_{10}}^{-1} \mu{_{11}}^{2} \\ \mu{_{03}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{-3} \mu{_{02}}^{3} \end{align*}\]

Note that all closure functions are consistent with the ones shown in Table II of [1]. We can then move on to solving the generated system of moment ODEs:

using OrdinaryDiffEq

u0map = deterministic_IC(u0, dm2_eqs) # assuming deterministic initial conditions
oprob = ODEProblem(dm2_eqs, u0map, tspan, p)
dm2_sol = solve(oprob, Tsit5(), saveat=0.01)

Now the question is how can we extract the time evolution of the cumulant $\kappa_{03}$. Firstly, note that using the standard moment relationships it can be expressed in terms of raw moments as:

\[\begin{align*} \kappa_{03} = 2 \mu_{01}^3 - 3\mu_{02}\mu_{01} + \mu_{03} \end{align*}\]

As we were solving for moments up to second order, we do not have any direct information on the third order moment $\mu_{03}$. Nevertheless, we can manually approximate it using the corresponding closure function given above, i.e., $\mu_{03} = \mu_{01}^{-3} \mu_{02}^{3}$. The time trajectories of $\mu_{01}$ and $\mu_{02}$ can be extracted from dm2_sol and their order in the array can be checked with:

5-element Array{Term{Real,Nothing},1}:

Finally, we can combine all the steps to obtain the $\kappa_{03}$ estimate:

μ₀₁ = dm2_sol[2, :]
μ₀₂ = dm2_sol[5, :]
μ₀₃ = (μ₀₁ .^(-3)) .* (μ₀₂ .^3)
dm2_κ₀₃ = 2 .* μ₀₁ .^3 .- 3 .* μ₀₂ .* μ₀₁ .+ μ₀₃

Next we consider a third order moment expansion:

eqs3 = generate_raw_moment_eqs(rn, 3)
dm3_eqs = moment_closure(eqs3, "derivative matching")
latexify(dm3_eqs, :closure, print_all=true)

\[\begin{align*} \mu{_{40}} =& \mu{_{10}}^{4} \mu{_{20}}^{-6} \mu{_{30}}^{4} \\ \mu{_{31}} =& \mu{_{01}} \mu{_{30}} \mu{_{10}}^{3} \mu{_{11}}^{-3} \mu{_{20}}^{-3} \mu{_{21}}^{3} \\ \mu{_{22}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{2} \mu{_{02}}^{-1} \mu{_{10}}^{2} \mu{_{11}}^{-4} \mu{_{12}}^{2} \mu{_{20}}^{-1} \mu{_{21}}^{2} \\ \mu{_{13}} =& \mu{_{03}} \mu{_{10}} \mu{_{01}}^{3} \mu{_{02}}^{-3} \mu{_{11}}^{-3} \mu{_{12}}^{3} \\ \mu{_{04}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{4} \mu{_{02}}^{-6} \mu{_{03}}^{4} \end{align*}\]

As expected, the closure functions agree with those given in Table III of [1]. We again check the order of variables

9-element Array{Term{Real,Nothing},1}:

and solve the moment equations, computing the required cumulant:

u0map = deterministic_IC(u0, dm3_eqs)
oprob = ODEProblem(dm3_eqs, u0map, tspan, p)
dm3_sol = solve(oprob, Tsit5(), saveat=0.01, abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)

μ₀₁ = dm3_sol[2,:]
μ₀₂ = dm3_sol[5,:]
μ₀₃ = dm3_sol[9,:]
dm3_κ₀₃ = 2 .* μ₀₁ .^ 3 - 3 .* μ₀₂ .* μ₀₁ .+ μ₀₃

Note that we could have also obtained $\kappa_{03}$ estimate in an easier way by using central moment equations, as third order central moments are equal to the corresponding third order cumulants:

central_eqs3 = generate_central_moment_eqs(rn, 3)
dm3_central_eqs = moment_closure(central_eqs3, "derivative matching")

u0map = deterministic_IC(u0, dm3_central_eqs)
oprob = ODEProblem(dm3_central_eqs, u0map, tspan, p)
dm3_central_sol = solve(oprob, Tsit5(), saveat=0.01, abstol=1e-8, reltol=1e-8)

# check that the two estimates are equivalent
dm3_κ₀₃ ≈ dm3_central_sol[9,:]

The last ingredient we need for a proper comparison between the second and third order moment expansions is a reference value predicted by the SSA. We can simulate $10^5$ SSA trajectories as follows:

using JumpProcesses

dprob = DiscreteProblem(rn, u0, tspan, p)
jprob = JumpProblem(rn, dprob, Direct(), save_positions=(false, false))

ensembleprob  = EnsembleProblem(jprob)
@time sol_SSA = solve(ensembleprob, SSAStepper(), saveat=0.01, trajectories=100000)
3.874558 seconds (7.45 M allocations: 714.845 MiB, 46.60% gc time)

The time evolution of $\kappa_{03}$ can be extracted from SSA data using the get_cumulants function:

ssa_κ₀₃ = get_cumulants(sol_SSA, 3)[0, 3]

Finally, we plot the results:

using Plots, LaTeXStrings

plot(dm2_sol.t, dm2_κ₀₃, lw=2, label="2nd order DM")
plot!(dm2_sol.t, dm3_κ₀₃, lw=2, label="3rd order DM")
plot!(dm2_sol.t, ssa_κ₀₃, lw=2, label="SSA")
plot!(ylabel=L"\kappa_{03}", xlabel=L"t", guidefontsize=14, legend=:bottomright)

Derivative Matching cumulant

We observe that the third order moment truncation using derivative matching performs significantly better than the second order truncation, accurately matching the true SSA prediction (consistent with the figure in [1]).

It is also interesting to note that the closure functions of third order moments obtained using derivative matching and log-normal closures are equivalent. We can see that it is indeed the case by printing out the log-normal closure functions

ln2_eqs = moment_closure(eqs2, "log-normal")
latexify(ln2_eqs, :closure, print_all=true)

\[\begin{align*} \mu{_{30}} =& \mu{_{10}}^{-3} \mu{_{20}}^{3} \\ \mu{_{21}} =& \mu{_{20}} \mu{_{01}}^{-1} \mu{_{10}}^{-2} \mu{_{11}}^{2} \\ \mu{_{12}} =& \mu{_{02}} \mu{_{01}}^{-2} \mu{_{10}}^{-1} \mu{_{11}}^{2} \\ \mu{_{03}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{-3} \mu{_{02}}^{3} \end{align*}\]

and the corresponding derivative matching functions obtained previously:

latexify(dm2_eqs, :closure, print_all=true)

\[\begin{align*} \mu{_{30}} =& \mu{_{10}}^{-3} \mu{_{20}}^{3} \\ \mu{_{21}} =& \mu{_{20}} \mu{_{01}}^{-1} \mu{_{10}}^{-2} \mu{_{11}}^{2} \\ \mu{_{12}} =& \mu{_{02}} \mu{_{01}}^{-2} \mu{_{10}}^{-1} \mu{_{11}}^{2} \\ \mu{_{03}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{-3} \mu{_{02}}^{3} \end{align*}\]

However, the equivalence holds only for third order moments. For example, the closure functions of fourth order moments differ:

ln3_eqs = moment_closure(eqs3, "log-normal")
latexify(ln3_eqs, :closure, print_all=true)

\[\begin{align*} \mu{_{40}} =& \mu{_{10}}^{-8} \mu{_{20}}^{6} \\ \mu{_{31}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{-2} \mu{_{10}}^{-6} \mu{_{11}}^{3} \mu{_{20}}^{3} \\ \mu{_{22}} =& \mu{_{02}} \mu{_{20}} \mu{_{01}}^{-4} \mu{_{10}}^{-4} \mu{_{11}}^{4} \\ \mu{_{13}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{-6} \mu{_{02}}^{3} \mu{_{10}}^{-2} \mu{_{11}}^{3} \\ \mu{_{04}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{-8} \mu{_{02}}^{6} \end{align*}\]

latexify(dm3_eqs, :closure, print_all=true)

\[\begin{align*} \mu{_{40}} =& \mu{_{10}}^{4} \mu{_{20}}^{-6} \mu{_{30}}^{4} \\ \mu{_{31}} =& \mu{_{01}} \mu{_{30}} \mu{_{10}}^{3} \mu{_{11}}^{-3} \mu{_{20}}^{-3} \mu{_{21}}^{3} \\ \mu{_{22}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{2} \mu{_{02}}^{-1} \mu{_{10}}^{2} \mu{_{11}}^{-4} \mu{_{12}}^{2} \mu{_{20}}^{-1} \mu{_{21}}^{2} \\ \mu{_{13}} =& \mu{_{03}} \mu{_{10}} \mu{_{01}}^{3} \mu{_{02}}^{-3} \mu{_{11}}^{-3} \mu{_{12}}^{3} \\ \mu{_{04}} =& \mu{_{01}}^{4} \mu{_{02}}^{-6} \mu{_{03}}^{4} \end{align*}\]

This difference is expected as fourth order moments using log-normal closure are expressed exclusively in terms of first and second order moments, whereas derivative matching additionally incorporates third order moment information. Singh and Hespanha [1, 2] elaborate on this point: as there is no unique way to define higher order moment closure functions for log-normal distribution, both closures are consistent with the assumption that the population is jointly log-normally distributed. We urge the reader to consult the mentioned papers [1, 2] and the references therein for a more complete discussion comparing the two approaches.


[1]: A. Singh and J. P. Hespanha, "Lognormal Moment Closures for Biochemical Reactions", in Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, ISSN:0191-2216 (Dec. 2006), pp. 2063–2068.

[2]: A. Singh and J. P. Hespanha, "Approximate Moment Dynamics for Chemically Reacting Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56, 414–418 (2011).